Everything You Need to Know about Your Resolution Plan Date in CT

What is a Resolution Plan Date in Connecticut Family Court?

A calendar with a pin on the number 30, indicating a Resolution Plan Date

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When you go through Connecticut’s family court system, you’ll receive something called a Resolution Plan Date and might wonder what it means. The key word here is ‘resolution.’ This date isn’t a court hearing, where you’ll go in front of a judge and discuss your family law matter. Instead, it’s a chance for you and the other parties in your case to determine whether you can resolve your issues without lengthy court proceedings.

But how does the Resolution Plan Date work in practice? What does it involve? Learn more below.

Resolution Plan Date, Explained

The Resolution Plan Date is a part of a relatively new process introduced by Connecticut’s family court system. Developed with the National Center for State Courts and introduced in January 2021, resolution plans avoid lengthy litigation by determining whether parties in divorce, custody, and visitation cases can resolve their issues by agreement. That can reduce the number of cases ending up in front of a judge, freeing up Connecticut’s backlogged courts.

On your Resolution Plan Date, you will meet with a family relations counselor at the court with the other parties in your case and go over all the issues that got you to this point. Your family relations counselor will determine the likelihood of a resolution to your case and decide whether you should move to traditional court proceedings. If your counselor decides you can’t solve your problems through agreement, you will receive an order to attend future court hearings.

How the Resolution Plans Work

Here’s what happens before, during, and after your Resolution Plan Date:

  • You receive a notice from the court with the date you need to meet your family relations counselor.
  • If your case involves alimony, child support, and/or the division of marital property, you need to complete and file a financial affidavit before your date.
  • On your Resolution Plan Date, your counselor will review your case and ask you and the other party questions.
  • The counselor will identify the areas where you and the other party agree and disagree and then determine whether you are likely to resolve your case through agreement outside of the court or require traditional court proceedings.
  • Depending on the circumstances of your case, your counselor will recommend a plan that might include actions like mediation, evaluations from Connecticut Family Services, attending a court hearing, and the assignment of a judge.
  • If your counselor thinks you can resolve your case through agreement, you might be able to see a judge that same day and complete your case.
  • If your counselor decides you can’t resolve your case through agreement, the court will enter a scheduling order that triggers traditional proceedings, which might involve multiple appearances in court.
  • Your scheduling order might include several case dates (hearings before a judge) and a date for trial if you and the other party still can’t reach an agreement after your case dates.

As you can see, resolution plans can go one of two ways. If your counselor determines you and the other party in your family matter can settle through agreement, you can finish your case quickly and move on with your life. If your counselor doesn’t think you can settle through agreement, you will enter traditional court proceedings, which might take months to complete.

Additional Information About Your Resolution Plan Date

Here’s what else you need to know about your Resolution Plan Date.

  • If you don’t appear for your Resolution Plan Date, a judge might dismiss your case or enter a judgment against you.
  • You might meet with a family relations counselor in person at the court or via video link.
  • A family relations counselor is a paid employee of the court who has the power to negotiate divorce, custody, and visitation cases in Connecticut.
  • You can attend an in-person meeting with a counselor with your attorney if you have one.

Why You Need a Good Family Law Attorney in Connecticut

Ideally, you will have legal representation long before you receive notice about your Resolution Plan Date from the court. If not, it’s important to consult with a reputable family law attorney in Connecticut before you meet with the family relations counselor. Your attorney can support you on your Resolution Plan Date and achieve the best possible outcome in your circumstances.

Rochlin Law specializes in family law matters like divorce, custody, and visitation in Connecticut. This experienced divorce law firm knows family situations are complex and can provide you with the resources you need to win your case.

Need a family law attorney in Connecticut who can help you prepare for your Resolution Plan Date? Rich Rochlin Law Group will fight in your corner and help you understand your legal responsibilities. Call (860) 357-9158 now!

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We approach each new case with an empathetic client and family-focus, which is largely influenced by Rich’s cherished role as husband and father. Rich’s family values are inextricably intertwined with our practice and approach to resolving family disputes. 

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